The Differences Between Male and Female Cats - I Can Meow

The Differences Between Male and Female Cats

The Differences Between Male and Female Cats

Male and female cats have distinct characteristics and differences. For new cat owners, there are many nice choices out there, so exploring those differences can help you in choosing which cat to bring home. In any case, both male and female cats are lovely companions that will make you happy.

When it comes to the cat’s character, you should also know that non-neutered and non-spayed cats are also different from those who are. Unaltered male cats may be a bit more aggressive, urinate in the home, and likely to escape in searching for female cats. Unaltered female cats are a bit louder and attract male cats when they are in heat. These are some reasons why many veterinarians recommend neutering or spaying the cats before taking them home. 

Main Differences Between Male And Female Cats

Male and female cats have several behavioral and physical differences. First of all, they have different genitalia. Male cats are also usually bigger than female cats. Male cats also use their urine to mark their territory. A bit surprising thing to know for many, but male cats are typically more affectionate than female cats. Female cats are wilder and often more aggressive towards other cats and humans.

Non-neutered male cats are larger than female cats. If the male cat has its testicles removed, it becomes even more affectionate and calmer. Female cats with their uterus removed will also become more affectionate and less aggressive. However, it is recommended that spaying and neutering be performed before cats reach their sexual maturity, which means before six months of age.

Another difference between males and females is that male cats usually develop wider cheeks than their female counterparts. Their face is rounder which sends a sign to other cats that they are in good physical shape. This is not a general rule, but matured male cats have larger, rounder, and very lovable cheeks.

Females also have some nice characteristics and advantages over male cats. Female cats usually open their eyes much quickly than male cats, so they get to explore the world earlier. Females usually reach their sexual maturity around the sixth or seventh month since their birth, while males are fully sexually mature around one year after birth.

Another interesting difference between female and male cats is that female cats tend to live longer than males. However, their lifespan largely depends on many outside factors.

Male cats are also often found to suffer from urinary infections and other issues. Sometimes crystals are formed in their urine, which requires taking several trips to the veterinarian’s office. In general, their urethra is smaller than at female cats, and on some occasions, veterinarians perform surgeries to enlarge their urethra. That helps male cats avoid further infections and other medical issues. 

Characteristics Of Male And Female Cats

It has been found that male cats are more social and playful with humans and other cats. Female cats are considered more fearful, brave, and often more aggressive towards other cats and humans. Since male cats are more playful, they can often run around the house, turning things down or waking up their owners at night. Male cats are walkers, roamers, and they spend more time searching and exploring around the house than female cats.

Cat owners of a few cats within a household point that their male cats usually get along very well with other cats, regardless of whether they are male or female. That means they are more friendly, more social, and can form bonds with other cats. However, if the cats are not neutered, then they may battle against each other. This is because male cats tend to fight to defend their marked territory. This is something to have in mind if you plan to adopt two outside male cats. Aggression and urine marking are the main characteristics of non neutered male cats that grew up outdoors.

When it comes to female cats, these are more standoffish towards other cats and humans. They usually stick to their preferred spots in the home and are only loyal to their favorite human. They do not tolerate other cats in the home and do not like when unfamiliar people want to pet them or touch them. Female cats are not as playful as male cats, and they do not like to cuddle with people that much unless they show a desire for that.

Another behavioral difference between male and female cats is that male cats usually urine outside their litter box to mark the territory. Female cats are more disciplined in this matter and usually do their job and then cover it up in their designated litter box.


Male and female cats have a few reported differences in their physical appearance and their behavior. However, each cat has its distinct personality. Sometimes male cats can have female characteristics and vice versa. There is no general rule on how they behave, but the things mentioned here are some good pointers to keep in mind.

Ultimately, male cats are larger than female cats, they are more social, playful, and very affectionate. They are also territorial and mark their place with urine. They get along with other cats but only if they are neutered. Non neutered cats tend to be more aggressive and battle for their territory. Also, male cats are found to suffer more from urinary tract infections due to their smaller urethra. Female cats are more standoffish and more aggressive towards other animals and unknown humans.

At the end, which type of cat you will get largely depends on your personal preferences. Most cats are irresistible, regardless of their gender. Both male and female cats love their owners and will distinctly express their love for their owners. Choose what you believe you like the most and take good care of your cat. Your cat, regardless of whether male or female, will certainly bring joy and happiness to your life. Consider information here and find the best cat for your home.

Male vs Female Cat: What Are The Differences?

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