We all know that cats meow, but why they do it? Sometimes their meows sound different, and the intensity is also different. Do they want to tell us something? Are they complaining about something? There are many reasons why cats meow, and those reasons change as they grow up.
Small kittens meow to send a signal to their mother they are hungry. Kittens also meow when they are scared or cold. However, older cats meow differently than kittens. Their meows are no longer signalizing they are hungry or cold. Now they are using more vocal meows. They start to hiss, growl, and yowl. This is their way of communicating with other cats and animals.
How much does a cat meow mainly depends on the breed. However, it can be even different from one cat to another. Some breeds, like the Siamese, are very vocal cats that meow a lot. If you do not like a meowing cat, then you should probably not get a Siamese cat for your home. Anyhow, if you have a cat and you notice that it meows a lot, you need to find the reasons why is it doing that. When you determine the reasons for meowing, you can then try some methods to keep meowing down.
Top Reasons Why Your Cat Meow So Much
- They might be sick. When cats feel ill, they start to meow loudly to get their owner’s attention. You may not know whether your cat is sick or not, so the best thing to do is to take it to the veterinarian’s office for a check-up. Many issues can cause the meowing, such as kidney problems, thyroid disease, or heart issues.
- Your cat might be hungry. Many cats meow when their owners walk into the kitchen. They are letting you know that they would like to eat. Perhaps give your cat a treat to see whether is hungry or not. If it takes the treat passionately, then it is probably time to feed her properly.
- Your cat is lonely. If your cat spends many hours alone in your home, then maybe you should think about getting another pet, a pet sitter, or someone that will play with your cat while you are at work. If that is not an option, then spread some toys around the house so she would play and get entertained while you are away.
- The cat might be stressed out. Sometimes cats go through a lot of stressful situations. They are more vocal when stressed out. Some reasons for stress involve seeing many guests in your home, a baby in the house, or a new pet. Try to find out what causes stress to your cat and help it better adjust. If that seems impossible, then give your cat more attention and pet her more often so it will calm down.
- Seeking attention. Meowing cats often seek attention from their owners. They do not like to sit alone or be locked in a room. They want to be close to their owner and be petted. Meowing is their way of inviting you to play with them, pet them, or talk to them. If you want to stop this behavior of your cat, you can try by stopping responding to her meows. Only show your cat attention when it is quiet. If they start meowing loudly, simply look or walk away from your cat. However, you should not ignore it. Make sure you spend quality time with your cat every day, playing and petting. A satisfied cat is a calmer and quieter cat.
- Your cat greets you. Many cats get excited and start meowing loudly when their owners come home. You should not worry about this, because your cat is just happy to see you and expresses their love towards you.
- Your cat is aging. Cats are also dealing with age problems as humans. They have problems of their own, and meowing is their way of complaining about something. Perhaps they feel sad or disoriented. It is normal for aging cats to be louder.
- Your cat needs breeding. If your cat is not neutered or spayed, then be prepared to hear loud noises in certain periods. Female cats are yowling loudly when in heat, while male cats also yowl when they hear female cats. If you cannot tolerate this, then you should think about neutering or spaying your cat. That will prevent future yowls and will make them quieter overall.
How Not to Act with Your Meowing Cat?
- Do not punish your cat if she meows loudly. Never shout at or hit your cat, no matter how loud or long she meows. Doing so will cause trauma to your cat, and she will lose trust in you. On the contrary, you should try to calm your cat by petting, talking, or hugging her to stop.
- Do not ignore your cat’s meowing. Sometimes there might be a pretty good reason why your cat meows so much. Your cat might be trapped somewhere, they cannot reach their food or litter box, or they need water. Check on them when you hear meowing and see what is wrong.
- Do not give in to your cat. If your cat is used to getting your attention by meowing loudly, they will start doing it quite often and louder. Reward them when quiet and they will stop.